Children's Ministries
Hope Kids is dedicated to helping children grow in wisdom, faith and friendship. Our prayer is that kids will discover who Jesus is, and see how they can put their faith into practical action during the week
At Hope Kids our mission is to, “Help kids discover hope in Jesus Christ.” We believe children need age appropriate Gospel teachings and strive to meet that need in a variety of ways. Weekly we offer Sunday morning worship time for children 3 years through 5th grade. This service is at 9:30 am and is packed with lively music, Biblical teaching, drama, games and fellowship time. Following that multi-age worship experience children are offered a time for deeper adult led Bible study and devotional time with children in their more immediate peer group. This small group time is at 11:00 am weekly. On Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 pm children are offered a chance to come together again for a Bible based discipleship time. This Bible study time consists of story telling, drama, games, music and life application.
Nursery Care
During all service times preschool and nursery classes are provided. In those classes, children are learning the basic principles of God’s love for all through nurturing play, story, music and craft times.
Special Events
In addition to weekly activities, Hope Kids offers a variety of special events that include Sports Clinics, Family Fun events and events designed for kids to have fun together. These events allow us to share the hope of Jesus with our neighbors in the community we live.
Please check out our Facebook page for more info or contact Pastor Jeremy
Unified Student Ministries is a place where you can feel a part of something great! Our goal is to love you unconditionally. We will make every effort to share the love of Christ with you, while walking with you through the ups and downs of the middle school and high school years. We are very active in worship, service, fellowship, and discipleship. We would love the opportunity to connect with you. We meet Wednesday nights at the Epicenter (located directly behind the church) from 6:30pm-7:30pm. We also meet Sunday mornings for middle and high school small groups at 11:00.
Please check out our Facebook page for more info or contact Brian Ford.
Dicipleship MINISTRIES
“You have heard me teach me things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.”
Discipleship and Connections Ministries seek to practice living out Matthew 28:18-20 and 2Timothy2:2. We attempt to do this by coming alongside and intentionally building relationships with people in our community as we grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Some of the ways in which we teach what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ is through the conduits of Sunday School classes, discipleship classes, life groups, ministries, activities, teaching/training events, missions, service, and living life as community.
Worship Arts
The heart and passion of "Community of Hope” worship is to see generations unite to worship God in spirit and in truth by exalting Christ though authentic worship.
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”
Please click HERE to email the Worship Arts Team and request more information about serving in one of the following areas; Worship Teams, Worship Choir, Worship Band or the Production Team. Each volunteer serves as a vital part of a team to help create an environment where worship and teaching can take place effectively. Whether you have live production experience, or just have a willingness to learn something new that will allow you to minister to others, we have a place for you to serve.
compassionate MINISTRIES
Radical Mission seeks to address the root causes of poverty, injustice, and broken relationships in our community by working to train and mobilize the community into life changing relationships. Click the button below to visit the Radical Mission website.
Celebrate recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.
Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our lives.
We meet on Thursday nights for food, worship and a lesson or testimony. Participants can choose to attend Step Studies where they work through the 12 steps in a more in depth setting.
Follow our current activities and events on Facebook.
Call 931.648.0110 to find out more about these and other ministries at Community of Hope.